Tuesday, 24 August 2010

YUCK for i-D.


YUCK ARE THE SKELETONS COMING UP ROSES from their history of Cajun Dance Party and various other younger musical experiments. They are: East-Londoners Daniel and Max, Jonny (from New Jersey) and Mariko (from Hiroshoma), and they offer a lighter-hearted but just as listenable sound as the likes of Dinosaur Jnr and Sparklehorse. They are impossibly fresh and exciting and i-D love them. Yuck serve as an impressive accompaniment to the so-called ‘shoegaze revival’ of recent months.

Who initiated Yuck’s birth?
D: I heard a song, ‘Operation,’ that Max had written and became really jealous of it.
M: It took a long time to get the right friends and musicians together but eventually it happened.

What kind of audiences have you drawn so far?
D: I only really look at the floor and my feet (laughs). No, the shows this summer have been great, Latitude was a lot of fun; our first festival performance together. My little sister sang vocals for one song with us there and had spat water all over my crotch beforehand to make me look silly.

What’s the craic with the album? Have you settled on a title yet?
M: Probably self-titled. It’s being mixed as we speak. Some of it in Texas; that’s the amazing high-tech world we live in.
J: Also George Bush demanded that it be mixed in Texas. I think we should call it The Sexy Album.

You’ve toured with Times New Viking, Egyptian Hip Hop and Veronica Falls. Who would you put in your Top Ten New Bands right now?
Fanzine. A Grave With No Name. Are we even fashionable enough to be in this magazine? (They spot Jedward in the issue in front of them). Maybe we are.

Yuck embark on their first UK tour in October.

Text Alexandra Pereira
Photography Rebecca Thomas